PhD student, 2018 intake
University: University of Bristol
Sponsor: CSC/NDEvR
Background: MEng in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol, graduating in July 2018. .
Improved Self-positioning and Repeatability for Robotic Ultrasonic Inspection Deployment
This PhD project is aiming to estimate the rate of defect growth, such as for corrosion, erosion and fatigue cracks, by comparing repeat images obtained from the same location over a period of time. Robotic deployment allows the possibility to precisely adjust the position, but it can be challenging in locations with restricted access, where the absolute position of the platform may not be known to the required submillimetre accuracy. Therefore, the project will focus on developing positioning techniques by analysing the ultrasound feedback images:
– Coarse positioning can be achieved by triangulating from ultrasonic reflections from surrounding structural features.
– Fine positioning can then be achieved by cross-correlation of the speckle pattern or grain noise with that from a previous measurement.